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PRISM: Research


Ongoing Research Projects/Events Update

  • Associations between Physical Therapy Utilization and Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction: PRiSM Multi-Center Study
  • Primary objective - Retrospective study seeking to identify association of physical therapy treatment visit utilization and functional/performance outcomes after ACL reconstruction.
  • Secondary objective – Identify if there are any associations between insurance coverage and outcomes

Future Research Projects/Events Update

Potential projects:

  1. Consensus statement on return to play testing and outcomes assessment after ACLR
  2. Study to examine qualitative aspect of hop testing. Relevant to all lower extremity injuries for return to play decision making. Perhaps meta-analysis as first step.
  3. Additional topics to be discussed on next conference call and decisions made on which projects to pursue.
  4. Partnering with Elbow RIG to develop post op protocols


  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation Clinical Practice Patterns:  A Survey of the PRiSM Society e-published April 2019 in Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine.  Author team included: Elliot Greenberg, Jeffrey Albaugh, Eileen Storey & Theodore Ganley
  • Dr. Saper et al published: Return-to-Sport Testing After Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescent Athletes. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine , volume 7, issue 3,  March 2019

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