Ongoing Research Projects/Events Update
- Associations between Physical Therapy Utilization and Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction: PRiSM Multi-Center Study
- Primary objective - Retrospective study seeking to identify association of physical therapy treatment visit utilization and functional/performance outcomes after ACL reconstruction.
- Secondary objective – Identify if there are any associations between insurance coverage and outcomes
Future Research Projects/Events Update
Potential projects:
- Consensus statement on return to play testing and outcomes assessment after ACLR
- Study to examine qualitative aspect of hop testing. Relevant to all lower extremity injuries for return to play decision making. Perhaps meta-analysis as first step.
- Additional topics to be discussed on next conference call and decisions made on which projects to pursue.
- Partnering with Elbow RIG to develop post op protocols
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation Clinical Practice Patterns: A Survey of the PRiSM Society e-published April 2019 in Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. Author team included: Elliot Greenberg, Jeffrey Albaugh, Eileen Storey & Theodore Ganley
- Dr. Saper et al published: Return-to-Sport Testing After Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescent Athletes. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine , volume 7, issue 3, March 2019