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Registration rates:

Member (fellow and fellow non-physician) $200
Non-member $350
First time attendee non-member $300
Student non-member $50
New or renewing student** free
Pre-course: 3D Motion Analysis: The Future of Sports Medicine $75

** New or renewing student member rate is for those students who apply to become PRiSM members or for those who are already student members and renew their dues for the 2021 dues year. Student attendees will be required to upload a student verification letter at the time of registration.

New Member Application Requirements

All applicants for membership in PRiSM must fill out the membership application form  and upload their CV. Applicants are also required to list a sponsor (preferably a current PRiSM member) who may be contacted regarding any questions about the application.

  • Student Member applicants should also upload a letter from their supervisor on institution letterhead, verifying their student status and including training start and (expected) end dates.

Member Benefits

Being part of this Society is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with professionals from multiple disciplines all over the country. Our membership consists of surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, radiologists, nurse practitioners, engineers, physician assistants and many more. Membership in PRiSM ensures that you will continue to receive various member benefits available including:

Be sure to check out the upcoming PRiSM Presents webinar:
Pediatric and Adolescent ACL Injuries:  Addressing the Controversies