Exhibitor Information
Download Exhibitor Registration
Friday, January 26th Saturday, January 27th
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Exhibit Area: Conference Lobby
Size: 6 ft. draped table
Drape Colors: White
Carpet: Multicolor pattern
Display fee: $1,500
Display Location
Specific display locations will be assigned on-site. Company names will be placed on display tables. Locate your company table prior to set-up.
Exhibitor Move-in
Thursday, January 25th
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM All exhibits must be set-up by 7:00am, Friday, January 27th
Exhibitor Close and Clear
Saturday, January 27th
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
We request you open your displays on time each day and staff them throughout the posted exhibit hours. There will be two staff members allowed at each display table at any given time.
Registration/Badge Policy
All company representatives must be registered by January 15, 2018 The Exhibitor Registration Form should be returned to PRiSM and should include the list of representatives attending the booth. After this date, any additions or changes will be completed on site. PRiSM badges must be worn and visible at all times to all symposium functions. Business cards are not to be inserted over the official PRiSM badge.
Reps Attending Sessions
Exhibitors who are registered as such are eligible to attend the educational sessions as long as another attendee is present at that booth during that time. Representatives who wish to attend the educational sessions and who are not representatives of the booth may must register and pay the full membership rate of $350. Late and cancellation policies will apply.
The exhibit area is located in the hotel corridor. PRiSM has reserved a storage area for overnight storage of items of value (e.g., display equipment, instruments, etc.). Exhibitors will be able to leave their displays up overnight, but we recommend that any items of great value be secured by you (computers, cell phones, etc.). Neither the hotel security staff nor PRiSM will be responsible for loss of or damage to any property. Exhibitors are responsible for safe-guarding their goods, materials, equipment and exhibits at all times.