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Instructional Course 3: Pediatric Sports Medicine Research Around the World: International Perspectives

Course Summary

This session will build off the recent PRiSM Journal Club: International Sports Medicine webinar. The panelists will discuss pediatric sports medicine research in their respective countries. They will speak to the geographical differences and treatments and the potential application to other settings.

Javier Besomi, MD (Chile); Amanda Black, PhD; Guri Ekas, MD PhD (Norway); and Dai Sugimoto, PhD ATC CSCS (Japan)

View the full webinar here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/oJMxN7JMF73z3unznrULenM4w_ZsrexJtKFYTd54nsZ2-_A-S0A8l5zjofeaXyrH.vJsmrj9-U0we3dfI